Frequently asked questions

Does this cost money?

Yes. To sign up is a one time fee of $25. Each date is $10.

Do you interview everyone first?

I used to! I ask that everyone prerecord a video and send it to me. I will give further instructions once you’ve signed up. I moved to this method due to the amount of people that want to sign up, I couldn’t interview fast enough and videos are just as efficient. I want to get you dating!

Who is this service for?

Everyone that is 21 and older!

Can you help me find friends, instead of love?

No. The purpose of this business is to help people find a romantic connection. If you make friendships along the way, I call that a win, but it’s not the primary intention of this matchmaking process.

Do you Match outside of Portland, Oregon?

I can, but it might take time for me to find you someone. Not everyone is willing to travel for a relationship.

What type of relationships do you match for?

These are the options in my questionnaire:
Monogamy - One partner only
Monogamish - One partner with the opportunity to have sex outside of the relationship
Polyamory Primary Partner - Having multiple loving realationships
Polyamory Secondary Partner - Having multiple loving relationships
Polyamory - Non-hierarchal
Couple looking for a third partner to join relationship (Not a hookup)

What do you get out of this Autum?

I get the complete and utter joy of seeing two people I’ve set up find a connection. My happiness is based on others’ happiness and I’ve always enjoyed generously giving to others. The perk of bringing people together in meaningful ways genuinely fulfills my spirit. We all have things we’re good at, and apparently, I’m good at this. Ultimately, my goal is to make sure I do something good in this lifetime and I believe this could be it.