Getting to know you

We start with a questionnaire. This is a comprehensive view of who you are. To sign up and get you started it is $25. After you fill out the questionnaire, I will have your record a video of yourself telling me about who you are and what your lifestyle is like. I used to do this in person, but I have met enough people that my procedure has become streamlined, and now I can get what I need by having you send me that video. What I’ve found is that individuals only have about 3-5 minutes worth of things to tell me about, and that’s ok. Once I start sending you on dates, I will learn more about you and your preferences because I will then have a refernce point. Once I have your questionnaire and video, I will look through everything and then you will be officially active in my system.

Being active in my system does not guarantee I have anyone for you at that time. I am a small Portland business that is continuously growing, but you have your preferences and I need to make sure that I find someone that meets a majority of your needs.

Blind Dates

Once you are active, I will start searching for potential matches in my system. This involves me putting your profile alongside a potential match and ensuring you share similar lifestyles and preferences. A blind date is currently $10. I want this service to be affordable, but still hold everyone accountable.

When I find someone I’d really like you to meet, I set up the Blind Date. These dates can unfold in different ways throughout the year, but during the warmer months, for example, I could send you to Oblique Coffee Roasters on SE 30th and Stark. This is right next to Laurelhurst Park. You would meet your date out front of Oblique, then go inside and grab a drink together. There is no assumption of roles and no obligations. You pay for your own drink. The two of you can then head over to Laurelhurst Park for a walkabout or a sit down on a park bench. It’s up to the both of you to choose your own adventure at the park or you can just sit at the coffeeshop.

During any form of first date I set up, there is no exchanging phone numbers or changing the format of this date. This is my only rule, if you break it you will no longer be considered for matching and your subscription cancelled.

The Blind Date is a firm 30-45 minutes time commitment. It’s a guaranteed 30 minutes so it’s worth your time to show up, and in the event that the match isn’t someone that you are necessarily interested in continuing on with, there’s nothing more you need to do, I do the work for you. This date ensures that there is chemistry and compatibility between both parties.

After the date, I will inquire how the date went. If you thought it went well and would like to see them again, I will set you up on a dinner date or lunch date. Once you arrive at your established date, it is no longer in my hands. You are free to exchange phone numbers, stay the whole night together, or anything else. Like I said, we established chemistry and compatibility on the first date. Once you have arrived at the dinner date, the two of you can decide if that’s where you want to be, or if you want to head somewhere else afterward.

Sometimes I find individuals what they’re looking for in the first go, and sometimes we grow together to find what you are looking for. I have no guarantees that I have someone for you now, or in the near future. It could take any amount of time, I am not a dating app with unlimited access to people signing up everyday. I also have no guarantees as to frequency of dates. I could have someone for you right away and then it could take a few months. I also can’t guarantee you’ll love each person I send you, I can’t quanitfy chemistry, I can only do my best to send you what I think you’ll like.

If I invite you to a date, and you do not respond, me and my team will check in a few more times. If we don’t hear from you in 4 days, your account will be deactivated and you will lose your date credit.

The What-Ifs

What if one person enjoyed their time with someone, and the other opted to not continue on with them?

That’s ok! This is why I’ve made the business the way it is. You didn’t have to go through the tiring rigamarole of chatting with the person for hours prior, to then show up for a date that is generally longer than you want it to be, to THEN decide it just wasn’t for you. What a snore! I am saving you time by filtering everyone to make sure they could actually align with your lifestyle and then making sure that your first meet never goes beyond 45 minutes, just in case it’s not going well.

Let’s say you met Leslie on a Blind Date and afterwards you told me you were interested in meeting them again. If Leslie tells me that they didn’t feel any chemistry, I will let you know. I will take the full brunt of the blow for you. I will not ghost you, I will not sugar coat it, and I definitely won’t tell you why. You are you and there’s no reason for you to change or be disappointed over someone you met for less than an hour. I will say, “Unfortunately, it wasn’t a Match. I look forward to sending you on another date soon. Stay tuned!” Don’t fret! Stay positive and wait for the next invite patiently.

What if someone asks for your phone number, when I have clearly stated not to?

Tell me! I need to know this in order to remove them from my service. It is unacceptable to break my rules, it makes my service crumble and also shoots up a big red flag. Do you want to date someone who can’t follow such a simple rule? I hope not. The Blind Date is there to establish chemistry and compatibility and if both of you were in to it, you would tell me and then be able to exchange phone numbers on the second date.

What if I found someone and want to pause my account while I explore that relationship?

Just shoot me an email and tell me! I’m here because I want you to find a connection with someone no matter how you find it.